Going Banana's
Ornamental Bananas
Ornamental bananas differ from the edible kind only in that they are mainly used for decorative purposes. Although the genus of all bananas is Musa - the species or both edible and ornamental differ immensely. The subgroup Ensette is also an ornamental banana.
NOTHING screams tropical summer display more than an ornamental banana – and there are so many varieties to choose from !!! Not all are available all times of the year and some only in summer here in NYC. Some of Plant Specialist's favorites are listed below.
Dazzling purple inflorescence brightens any garden !
Most varieties are fast growing; all have soft, thick stalks (called pseudostems) and spread by suckers to form clumps. Striking long, typically broad leaves are easily tattered by strong winds, so choose protected planting sites. Can be grown in containers and overwintered indoors.
Ornamental bananas produce fruit – but are inedible due to the many large seeds
The Favorites
Musa Acuminata 'zebrina'
Also known as blood bananas – a variety of the wild species native to Sumatra in Indonesia. Most varieties have green leaves with maroon stripes. Fruit is usually inedible. Several cultivars available.
Zebrinas are easy to grow in containers !
Musa acuminata “siam beauty'
Stunning red coloration
Musa laserita
This variety is called the bronze banana – difficult to find ! But beautiful !
Musa ornata
Pink to lavender and sometimes purple flowering varieties!
Musa paradisiaca AE
Also known as the Royal Variegated Banana
Ensete Maurelii
Red Abyssinian banana with spectacular bronze leaves !
Musa Velutina
If you like pink – this is for you ! Upright pink bracts and small velvety pink bananas
DID YOU KNOW ! During Victorian times, tropical plants were all the rage. Lavish outdoor displays were created during the summer and then these plants were moved into “glass houses” to be overwintered for use in next season’s garden.
Want a Victorian garden that is the envy of King or Queen ?
Don't delay - Call Plant Specialists today !
- our Garden Care team can get some for you in time for summer !
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBA
All photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK