Sunflowers: Summer’s Icon!
an endless field of sunflowers - a happy place
One of summer’s most popular plants - they are easy to grow and quick to boom. They love the heat of summer and are mostly insect and disease free.Usually in yellow, they also come in all sorts of hues of red, maroon, brown and orange. Some of the taller varieties can get big - 16 ft - but who few of us have that much space in our gardens! There are plenty of smaller, shrub like, and dwarf varieties available.
Which to Grow
There is a rather large range of sizes and colors available. You should grow only those you have the space and soil for. Dwarf teddy bears do great in a container on a rooftop.
But if you have the room - go big! The giants include the yellow Mammoth at 12 ' tall. Great choice if you want to collect seeds to feed the birds ! Russian Giant is another big one. There are many !!!Midsize ones like Sunrich Gold, Red Sun, Valentina, or Autumn Beauty range between 5-6' and have flowers in all colors. I like Red Sun with its almost black centers !
Red Sun !
Mini and dwarf ones like Teddy Bear, a Dwarf Yellow Spray rarely get over 2' and are fantastic for small spaces.
Teddy Bear
Growing from seed
It is easy !Sunflowers grow best in sunny spots, filled with direct lots of direct light. Make sure your container has lots of drainage holes in the bottom and is clean from both pests and dirt. Your chosen spot should also have some shelter from the wind.Dig the soil over to help loosen the soil and add lots of organic matter such as composted manure or slow release granular fertilizer. Sow the seeds directly into the garden or containers once the soil is at least 50 ℉. Plant the seeds one inch deep at least 6 inches apart.After planting, water and apply a light dose of fertilizer to help encourage root production. When the plants are young keep the soil around them weed free.
germinating can take a week !
Sunflowers need lots of water - don’t allow the soil to dry out. Water evenly around the root zone when the plants are small.Don’t over fertilize your plants - otherwise the stems get brittle and break. Once a month is plenty. If you want to grow a really tall plant - use a Nitrogen rich fertilizer. Keep in mind this can also delay flowering.If planted in a sunny place they are usually problem free plants. However, birds and squirrels will target the seeds.
an American Goldfinch picking seeds
Many people grow sunflowers to cut the blooms for indoor displays. If you want to do this try to cut the stem just before the bud opens. Cut your flowers early in the morning. This helps to prevent wilting.
Their bright blooms also add color and attract lots of helpful pollinators to your space. Suitable for both large gardens and small spaces, these are the ideal summer plant.
Bright and cheerful why not learn how to grow sunflowers in your garden?
Or we can grow them for you !
For a garden full of sunflowers - Call Plant Specialists today!!!
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK