Daisy Folklore
The Daisy
The daisy derived it's English name from the Anglo-Saxon terms daes eage. Meaning "the days' eye" - referring to the way the flower opens and closes with the sun.Keep in mind there are many daisy looking flowers that are not related to each other, or even in the daisy family - but we colloquially called them as such. I've included many here.
English daisies !
Symbolism in Roman times
Primarily known as the symbol of childhood innocence. This charming wildflower is said to originate from a Dryad (an oak dwelling nymph) who presided over forests, meadows, and pastures.
daisy looking - but an Osteospermum!
According to Roman mythological legend, the nymph Belides, as she danced with the other nymphs at the edge of the forest, caught the eye of Vertumnus, the god of the orchards. To escape his unwanted attention, she transformed herself into the flower bellis, the botanical name of one of many plants we call the daisy.
the true daisy - Bellis perennis
Symbolism in Medieval Times
While its modest simplicity made the daisy a favorite flower of many poets, its healing and predictive powers made it popular not only with farmers, but also with kings. Spring, medieval farmers would say, would not arrive until one could set a foot upon twelve daisies.To dream of daisies in springtime or summer was a lucky omen, but dreams of them in fall or winter meant certain doom!
Cinneraria look-alike daisy
Symbolism in Tudor times
Transplanting wild daisies to a cultivated garden was considered to be very unlucky.King Henry VIII ate dishes of daisies to relieve himself from his stomach-ulcer pain. During his reign, it was also believed that drinking crushed daisies steeped in wine, in small doses over 15 days, would cure insanity.
ORANGE ! daisy
Symbolism in Victorian times
Similar in appearance to some chrysanthemums, daisies continue to be associated with simplicity and modesty - two characteristics carried over from Victorian times.A well-known practice originated with heartbroken Victorian maids who wished to be loved once again by their suitors. A maid would pluck a daisy's petals one by one, chanting, "He loves me, he loves me not," for each petal pulled. Of course, it was the last petal that predicted the situation's outcome.
The ever beautiful Shasta Daisy
A young maiden would also pick a handful of daisies with her eyes closed. The number of blossoms she held in her hand told of the number of years that remained until she married.
Symbolism in Modern Times
Generally speaking, daisies indicate innocence, purity, and gentleness on behalf of both the giver and the receiver. "You have as many virtues as this plant has petals," or, "I will consider your request."A white daisy represents shared feelings of affection. A red one tells of beauty unknown to the possessor. Not sure about pink!
Echinacea - daisy look alike - but lovely none the less
For a Daisy filled garden call Plant Specialists today
- the symbolic possibilities are endless !!
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBA
All photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK