Pink it is !
Pink Indoor Flowering Plants
A selection of lovely pink flowering plants you can have in your home !
Long Term Group
The Long term ones will last for many months to several years depending on light and care.
Light: indirect light all day long, but not direct sun rays or it may burn
Water: Allow the top 2” of soil to dry out before watering
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: High
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but not direct sun rays or it may burn
Water: Keep evenly moist but do not let it stand in water
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: High
Other: Prune after blooming
Brazilian Plume flower
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, will tolerate direct sun rays
Water: Keep evenly moist, do not allow to dry out or it will drop leaves
Heat: Keep VERY warm and away from drafts
Humidity: High
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but not direct sun
Water: Allow the soil to dry out before watering – should be totally dry before watering, do not let it sit in standing water
Heat: Keep cool and away from drafts
African violet
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but not direct sun rays
Water: Allow the top 2” of soil to dry out before watering, avoid wetting the leaves
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: High
Reiger begonia
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but will tolerate direct sun rays in winter
Water: Allow the top 2” of soil to dry out before watering
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: tolerates lower humidity
Other: It’s a photoperiodic bloomer and tends to stop flowering in winter
The Short Term Group
The short term ones tend to be grown for florists and may last several weeks. You can test your gardening skills on these if you want them to re bloom !
Light: Prefers BRIGHT light all day long, but will tolerate direct sun rays
Water: Allow the top 2” of soil to dry out before watering
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: tolerates lower humidity
Other: It’s a terminal stem bloomer and tends to stop flowering until pruned again
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but will tolerate direct sun rays in winter
Water: Never allow to dry out, but do not let sit on standing water
Heat: Keep cool
Humidity: tolerates lower humidity
Other: It’s a spring bloomer and tends to form buds on the tips of new growth – prune only immediately after flowering. Ok to plant in the garden during summer.
Light: Prefers indirect light all day long, but will tolerate direct sun rays in winter
Water: Allow the soil to full dry out before watering
Heat: Keep cool – heat sensitive
Humidity: tolerates lower humidity
Other: It’s a seasonal bloomer and tends to need a rest period between blooming cycles
Light: Prefers bright light all day long, but will tolerate direct sun rays in winter
Water: Allow the top 2” of soil to dry out before watering
Heat: Keep warm and away from drafts
Humidity: tolerates lower humidity
Other: It’s a spring bloomer and tends to form buds on the tips of new growth – prune only immediately after flowering. Ok to plant in garden during summer.
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Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK