Air Plants
A grouping of Tillandsia on driftwood
Tillandsia - one of many genus of tropical plants we call Bromeliads. As tree dwelling epiphytes – they do not require soil to grow. Found in forests from Mexico to Argentina.Most have narrow, long, and thin leaves that grow from a center in a spiral. A floral spike usually sprouts from the center on mature plants. Those with grey, hairy or fuzzy leaf textures come from areas prone to heat and drought. Smooth leaf ones are from humid jungles.They are super easy to grow and care for in the home - on driftwood or in a terrarium or glass container. Or just place them on a platter! All good.
As a general rule, keep air plants out of direct sunlight. They do best if you can put them in bright but indirect sunlight.
Air plants don’t have roots like other plants – just a few to help them hang on to a tree! They get the water they need from the high humidity and rainfall. In your home, you need to water your air plants about once a week. Some varieties can go two weeks without being watered.The best way to water them is to dunk them in a container of lukewarm water and let them soak for an hour. Then shake off any excess and you are good to go!Have fun with them – here are some pictures of the smaller ones good for a home.
T usneoides (Spanish Moss)
T cyanea
T harissii
T ionantha
T albida
T andreana
T araujei
T bulbosa
T capitata
T caput-medusae
T ehlersiana
T fasciculata
T funkiana
T sucrei
Looking for some easy to care for plants?
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Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK