WE'RE BACK !!!!!!
The go to plant
For the endless amount of time the backbone of any shady summer plantings was the impatiens. It was the central attraction of any garden, not to mention the gift of exploding with flowers. It didn't matter how shady - impatiens were the core shade plant forever.
The Devastation
Then came Plasmopara obducens ! And it all fell apart.This water mold infected both regular garden impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), and balsam impatiens (Impatiens basamina) in what seemed like every garden in America. It devastated any and every impatiens planting on the east coast. Eventually nurseries stopped growing them.Fortunately we were able to find several alternatives. We switched to other low light bloomers like coleus, torenia, and begonia. But we all missed the impatiens – it was very sad because the impatiens always had a corner of our heart.
Impatiens downy mildew on underside of leaf.
Decimated buds and flowers from downy mildew.
The Future is here !
Since then, seed companies got busy – and although it has taken a decade – we have new disease resistant impatiens varieties !!!! Applause please!!!We now have the Imara XDR series from Syngenta and the Beacon series from PanAmerican Seed.
Imara !
The new and improved old fashioned impatiens !
Growers and nurseries have been planting them like crazy and making them available again. We are all happy !!! Because although we all love torenia, and begonia – there is nothing like a giant mass of impatiens bringing color to a shady spot in your garden.
For a garden full of color - Call Plant Specialists TODAY !
Our Garden Care team can install some impatiens.
You will never lack for flowers!
Don't delay – the sooner the better !
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK