Houseplants for Low Light
Houseplants for Low Light !!!
Listed below you will find the “easiest to care for” group of houseplants that tolerate low light conditions. They do pretty good with minimal care, and as long as you are careful about watering them when – you should be fine.Remember – “overwatering” is NOT caused by you using TOO MUCH WATER. Instead it is from you watering the plant TOO OFTEN ! Check out my previous blog on roots needing oxygen and the importance of not watering too frequently.Many have few to no insect or disease issues – but a few are indeed susceptible to some specific ones. Plant novices should stay away from those !
Asplenium (Birds nest fern)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Do not let it dry out completely. Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. Cut back if it gets leggy. MANY varieties available.Pests: Mildly susceptible to mealy bugs. Aspidistra elatior (Cast iron plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed very infrequently - 1x year.Pests: Mildly susceptible to spider mites. Calathea (Prayer plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. MANY varieties available.Pests: Somewhat susceptible to spider mites. Does not like to dry out. Chlorophytum (Spider plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 3x a year. A few varieties available.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. A few varieties available. Toxic sap !Pests: HIGHLY susceptible to spider mites. Dracaena compacta (Corn plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year.Pests: Susceptible to root rot if watered too frequently. Allow to dry out before watering. Dracaena marginata (Dragon plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year.Pests: Somewhat susceptible to spider mites. Allow to dry out before watering. Dracaena massangeana (Corn plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year.Pests: Somewhat susceptible to mealy bugs. Allow to dry out before watering. Hedera helix (Ivy)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 3x a year. MANY varieties available.Pests: HIGHLY susceptible to spider mites. Howea forsteriana (Kentia palm)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 1x year. Needs a lot of room.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Does not like to dry out. Maranta (Prayer plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 3x year. MANY varieties available. Needs room to spread.Pests: HIGHLY susceptible to spider mites. Does not like to dry out. Pachira aquatica (Money tree)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year.Pests: Somewhat susceptible to spider mites. Does not like to dry out. Philodendron adansonii (Swiss cheese plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 3x year. Needs a lot of room.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Philodendron cordatum (Heart leaf plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. Very compact.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Philodendron monstera (Split leaf plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 3x year. Needs a lot of room.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Rhapis excelsa (Lady finger palm)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. Needs a lot of room.Pests: Rarely gets any insects or diseases. Sanseveria (Mother in laws tongue)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 1x year. MANY varieties available.Pests: Susceptible to root rot if watered too frequently. Allow to dry out before watering. Scindapsus aureus (Pothos)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. Long and trailing.Pests: Susceptible to mealy bugs. Allow to dry out before watering. Spathiphyllum (Peace lily)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 2x year. A few varieties available.Pests: Susceptible to root rot if watered too frequently. Zamioculcas (ZZ plant)Notes: Easy to care for. Feed 1x year.Pests: Susceptible to root rot if watered too frequently. Has a water holding tuber so let it dry out between watering.
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Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK