endless moss on a forest floor
When I was studying Botany - centuries ago – Bryophyta was the Taxonomic term used for mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Nowadays it refers to the mosses only.The term is derived from the Greek words “bron,” which means “tree moss or liverwort,” and “phutón,” which means “plant.”
Bryophytes are typically small and prefer damp locations, though they can endure in drier conditions as well. They are the most basic plants that may be found on land. Some have an extraordinary ability to endure extended periods of freezing and dryness, and when moisture is restored, photosynthesis is resumed.
a moss carpet !
The plant body is thallus-like and usually prostrate, with rhizoids attaching it to the substratum. A bryophyte’s only distinguishing feature is the absence of true vascular tissue.Most thrive on the soil, the living or decaying materials of other plants, and the persistent residues of their own growth. A few are aquatic in nature, while others grow on the exposed rock surface.They tend to form flattened mats, spongy carpets, but sometimes hanging tufts. Growth is usually correlated with the humidity and sunlight available in the habitat.
Life cycle of moss
The mosses reproduce using an alternation of generations. They do not make flowers or seeds, but instead produce sex organs each with sperm and eggs.
moss with spore caps - the sporangium
Once fertilized, the embryo remains attached and produces spores inside the enclosed female reproductive organ. The released spores are from which new adult gametophytes develop.
a moss capsule - sporangium with spores
Bryophytes are most abundant in climates that are constantly humid. The greatest diversity is at tropical and subtropical latitudes. The rare Elfin Forest in PR is an example where no soil accumulates from the constant rain and only mosses grow - to 4' TALL !!
The Elfin Forest - a dwarf moss forest on the tops of El Yunque Rainforest, PR
The moss Sphagnum however dominate the vegetation of extensive areas of the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Its from where we get peat moss for our gardens !
Sphagnum moss - alive !
The peat moss genus Sphagnum is an economically important bryophyte. The harvesting, processing, and sale of Sphagnum peat is a multimillion-dollar industry.Peat is also used as an energy source, the extraction of organic products, in whiskey production, and as insulation.
Dry peat brick pic
Bryophytes are very important in initiating soil formation on barren terrain. They are also crucial in maintaining soil moisture, and in recycling nutrients in forest vegetation.
Our Design Team can build you a MOSS GARDEN !
Call us - we've done it before !!!
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK