The Value of Cyclamens
frilly pink flowering Cyclamen
A native to the Mediterranean basin its name is derived from the Greek - “Kyklos” – meaning round – and referring to its tuber. They are valued for their flowers with upswept petals and variably patterned leaves.Romans used to call it “tūber terrae” - "earth truffle" or amulētum - "amulet", because it was believed that evil spells had no effect where it grew ! We need to grow some here!
These can be spherical, or flattened – and produce roots from the top, sides or bottom, depending on the species. Older tubers can reach 9.5” – most are about 1” across.
Cyclamen species tubers are eaten by the caterpillars of the gothic moth. But not to worry – these are only endemic to Europe.
Duponchelia fovealis.
Leaves, flowers and roots grow from the main tuber. In most species leaves come up in autumn, grow through the winter and then die in spring. It goes dormant through the hot and dry summer.Leaves sprout from on top of the tuber - each from its own stem. The leaves can be shaped like ivy, with angles and lobes, with round leaves, or heart-shaped with a pointed tip. Most leaves are variegated in several shades of green and silver.
typical leaf with silver variation
Flowers have 5 petals, bent outwards or up, sometimes twisted, and connected at the base into a cup, and five sepals behind the cup. Petal color may be white, pink or purple, often with darker color on the nose.
typical wild flower
The floral stem coils or bends when the fruit begins to form. This creates a round pod which contains numerous sticky brown seeds. Natural seed dispersal is by ants ! – which is called myrmecochory. Usually the ants eat the sticky covering - and then discard the seeds.
funky seed pod
Cyclamen's roots pack a toxic punch. The plant contains compounds that, if ingested, can lead to serious health issues. Saponins, the primary culprits, are known to disrupt cell membranes. Keep away from children and pets !!!!!
Cyclamens were used as love-charms, aphrodisiacs, and intoxicants. A small amount would be put in cakes or a cup of wine.In the sixteenth century, women in their early stages of pregnancy avoided cyclamens in fear of a miscarriage because they were considered to strongly induce childbirth.
Cyclamen persicum - Florists’ cyclamen
florist Cyclamen group
This species is the one commonly sold by florists - and which you are most familiar with. It is frost-tender. The cultivars are available with white, bright pink, red or purple flowers – and all sorts of combinations therein !Plants in bloom should be kept below 68 °F with the night-time temperatures preferably closer to 55*F. Anything over 68 °F will induce the plant to become dormant.
Other Species - they all look quite similar to each other !
Cyclamen hederifolium
Cyclamen purpurascens
Cyclamen repandum
Cyclamen balearicum
Cyclamen graecum
Cyclamen pseudibericum
Cyclamen coum
Our Indoor Team can get you beautiful Cyclamens for your Home !
Call us to choose a color !
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission @SHUTTERSTOCK