Panicum: Switch Grass
Panicum virgatum, commonly known as switch grass, is a perennial warm season clumping grass native to North America. It is a prairie grass and grows from Canada to Mexico. Other common names include tall panic grass, black bent, tall prairie grass, thatch grass, and Virginia switch grass.
late summer and the tops are turning red !
It is used extensively in soil conservation. Particularly because of its deep root structure which hold the soil together. You can sometimes find it growing by roadsides – a testament to its toughness indeed!As an ornamental plant it is quite hardy and durable in the garden. However, if grown in containers you may have to give it some protection over the winter. It quickly pops back up in the spring in full force. Loves plenty of sun and tolerates windy spots too! Truly never gets any insects or disease either.
In one of our gardens it is used as a privacy fence on a row of raised planters
Culinary Use
Although we use only the ornamental varieties - it is related to proso millet - and quite edible !
proso millet seed heads are ready for harvest
Seeds are used in cookies, cakes and muffins, as a porridge or in a salad
Gardening Facts
Grown as a drought-loving perennial it actually produces the best height in full sun. It seldom gets any insects or disease issues and is a fast grower. Adapting well to windy spots it blooms late summer turning reddish by frost. In December it dies back down to ground level disappearing into the soil !It is an amazing ornamental grass! I just love seeing it swaying back and forth in the wind all summer long. Then you get a splash of color in the Fall - What is not to love!
For the best swaying back and forth grass ever -
Call Plant Specialists TODAY !
Don't delay – the sooner the better !
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission from @SHUTTERSTOCK