Brilliant red Tithonia !!!!!
Directly related to daisy family (Asteraceae) this genus includes many species of bushy annuals, perennials and shrubs native to Mexico and Central America. Usually with large, brightly colored daisy-like flowers on thick stems.Mexican sunflower, T. rotundifolia, is a vigorous, drought tolerant warm season annual that is easy to grow in the ornamental garden. It is the most common ornamental one you can find.The plants grow 4-6 feet tall with a large central stalk and a somewhat gangly branching habit. The foliage and stems are covered with a soft downy fuzz, and the underside of the leaves are hairy.Flowers are produced from mid-summer until frost. The solitary flowers are borne on hollow peduncles (flower stems). Best to place them away from a windy spot.The flowers are attractive to a wide variety of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, and can also be used as cut flowers. Many pollinators visit including bumblebee, long horned bee, wild bees, syrphid fly, monarch butterfly and tiger swallowtail.
Loved by pollinators !
Because of its tall stature Use tithonia at the back of borders and beds as a backdrop for shorter plants. Larger often need to be staked to remain upright – especially later in the season. It has few pest problems and does best in full sun in well-drained soil.
we love orange !
we love yellow too !!!!!
It is an amazing ornamental plant ! Beautiful flowers in the NYC heat and humidity - all summer long. What is not to love.
For the best summer flowering ornamentals -
Call Plant Specialists TODAY !
Don't delay – the sooner the better !
Article written by our Staff Horticulturist, Peter B Morris, BSc, MSc, MBAAll photographs used with permission from @SHUTTERSTOCK